One of my friends, Joanie Connell, has a podcast called 'Reinventing Nerds'. A lot of times, technical people work great with computers, numbers, and technology in general. Some still need work in...
What’s the value of long-term website support?
You just spent three to six months focusing on a new site build or redesign, it has launched, and now you can forget all about it for a year or two,...
May 24, 2017
So your company has an outdated site that sits stalely on the web doing nothing for business, and you can't remember the last time it sent an actionable lead across your sales desk. It's past time...
April 28, 2017
March 10, 2017
We hear stories from clients about projects that have gone terribly or worse, failed completely. Luckily for us, though, we get called in to clean up. Usually these projects fail because there was...
July 6, 2016
What's more important? The content or the look? The amount of hits or the navigation? When assessing the success of a site, should we focus on the amount of emails and hits? The amount of comments...
December 2, 2015
November 6, 2015
- The title and first sentence POP out at the reader to engage them immediately
- Images are used as EYE CANDY to draw the reader in
- QUOTES from real...
September 8, 2015
The New York Journal of Books is the leading website for free, online-only, original book reviews. Founded in 2009 by Ted Sturtz and Lisa Rojany, NYJB's reviewer panel includes bestselling and...
August 27, 2015
Ask anyone in the marketing industry (advertising, research, digital, etc.) and they will not deny the fact that many people, still, think marketing is “easy” and some have a very hard time...
October 10, 2013